The Ministry of Local Government Development (KPKT) is currently finalising the circular on EV charging stations for housing areas nationwide.

Minister of Local Government Development YB Nga Kor Ming (Credit photo: KPKT FB)

In a parliamentary written reply, KPKT minister YB Nga Kor Ming said that the drafted circular will be further refined to include the application procedure and the proper guidelines to install EV charging stations in residential areas.

ChargeSini AC charging stations located in residential area

Said application procedure will involve the process of simplifying the EV charger installation, as well as shortening the approval process by the local authority.
“The ministry through the Department of Urban and Rural Planning (PLANMalaysia) is preparing a circular regarding application procedures and approvals for the development of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations in Local Authorities (PBT),” YB Nga said.
This was a response to a question raised by the Petaling Jaya MP, YB Lee Chean Chung, on the government’s efforts to set a guideline or a mandate for the installation of EV charging stations in high-density residential areas, as well as facilitating the installation process in an attempt to encourage more electromobility adoptions in the country.
“The planning guidelines also outline the minimum requirements for the provision of parking spaces for EV charging stations for all types of existing and new developments including in multi-storey or high-density housing areas,” the minister added.

Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change YB Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad (second from right)

Speaking of facilitating EV adoptions, earlier this year, the Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (KeTSA) minister YB Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said that Malaysia aims to install 10,000 EV charging points by 2025 through Low Carbon Mobility Blueprint.
In the long run, this blueprint will serve as a preparatory step towards the bigger vision of having 1.5 million electric vehicles on Malaysian roads by 2040. As for now, the minister said there are more than 10,000 registered EVs in the country and 900 public EV charging stations currently operating.
This EV charging station circular will be finalised and presented at the upcoming National Council for Local Government Meeting (MNKT), which is expected to be held in June this year.